Who is The Eric Strickland Band

From humble beginnings to the brink of greatness! Clawing and scratching our way, and fighting for the right to play our music, our way. Years of experience, honing our craft. Battling every closed door, every no, every broken up band, and every you'll never make it. Never relenting, never giving up, never settling for mediocrity, that is our way. Just like the Phoenix that rises from the ashes, we are here to reveal what we have become! Six individuals from different backgrounds, bound together by a common goal, The culmination of all those years of experience. Bringing together Country, Folk, Gospel, Blues, Rock n Roll, and Soul to make a force to be reckoned with. With Eric Strickland at the helm playing lead guitar, rhythm guitar, and lead vocals, the bar is set, and the rest of the band is more than up to the task of clearing it. Blade Strickland with his searing guitar licks, and vocal prowess, Neil Mercer holding down the bottom end with his own brand of country funk bass, Billy Barbour with his fearless steel guitar attack on every song, Brian Johnson on piano and organ taking us to that next level of sonic possibilities, and Donavan Tobell rounding out the rhythm section with his impeccable timing and finesse on the drums. The Eric Strickland Band is the epitome of quality entertainment, and the upper echelon of what we have coined as Southern Country Rhythm and Blues!